Aegros’ Chief Medical Officer Dr Leon Rozen used the opportunity of Primary Immunity Week to shed a little light for his colleagues, by way of a fireside chat, on the various primary immunity diseases that Aegros will make medicines for.

In this 20-minute discussion Dr Rozen informed us about some of the more prevalent types of primary immunity diseases and what having one of these diseases means for patients and their families.

We learned that there are over 400 types of primary immunity, each of which is a rare disease that can have a major impact on a patient’s quality of life. Some PI diseases are genetically determined while others are a result of the body’s adaptive processes in response to an invading virus or bacteria.

Treatment options for those with primary immunity deficiencies are various but for a number of them immunoglobulin (IG) therapy is used to provide the benefit of a functional immune system by transferring antibodies from a plasma donor to a patient.

Aegros looks forward to supporting the needs of patients with primary immune deficiencies with IG therapies and also supporting them with speciality products such as a hyperimmune against SARS-CoV-2.

Thank you to Dr Rozen for sharing his experience and perspective with us during PI Week.